Sunday, November 1, 2020

Big triple issue: The XXRevival

Our new erotic transgender photo comic contains, for all practical purposes, three stories. They are interrelated, for sure, but there is no need to read them all in one go.

A plague has left the Earth in lack of women. A new public draft requires men to sacrifice their manhood for the common good. If you "win" the state lottery you are sent to one of several recanting clinics, which puts your mind in a female clone body.

Then you are given a course in female behavior and femininity.

In this comic we follow the fates of four men being forced to volunteer for a new life as a woman.


  1. Long & enjoyable.
    It would be fun to see more from this universe.
    Thank you so much for posting this!

  2. There will be more stories from this universe.


Tranisa Feminization Movies
