Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Megan, an erotic transgender photo comic

 OK. We are back with a new erotic transgender photo comic, this time about a young man who is so unlucky in love that his friend decides he is useless living as a man. So: Modern technology to the rescue.

Some of you have asked whether there will be more Fem Fluxx TG comics, and this story proves that indeed, there are going to be more comics of the feminization kind. We cannot promise the same frequent posting as in the good old days, however. For our contributors, the Foxx, Xing Xing, and Morgana, life sometimes comes in the way.

And to make sure that the search engines understand what this is all about: This is a comic about a young man who is transformed into a sexy woman and who has to live with that new life.

The main model is Nia Bleu.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Adam and Eve, an MTF transformation adventure

Morgana has made a new erotic transgender photo comic, which you can download for free here!

This is a long story with a lot of beautiful women, including futanari, lesbian and regular heterosexual sex. 

Adam's girlfriend has a witch of a mother who is not happy with any of her boyfriend choices. She simply get them out of the way by using her magic.

Tranisa Feminization Movies
