Today Fem Fluxx presents the very first erotic MTF transformation comic where more than 90 percent of the images have been generated by an AI image generator.
It is called The New Girl and is made by Xing Xing. We asked Xing Xing why she is doing this now.
"I have been looking into ways of finding photos that fit better with an MTF transformation story, and especially images that illustrates the transformations the protagonist has to go through. I can achieve a lot using regular photos from adult entertainment, and I can even make some interesting adjustments using Photoshop, but I have to leave a lot to the reader's imagination."
But has artificial intelligence reached a point where you can get the exact images you want?
"No, but given the speed of the improvements made, I suspect we will have the perfect tool in a year or so. There is still images with too many fingers, strange body part configurations and weird eyes. But if you are patient and try again, adjusting the prompts, you can achieve a lot."
So what has improved now, given that you have made this AI comic?
"Character continuity. That has been a huge problem: To get the AI to make several images of the same person. It is possible using tools like Photoshop and Midjourney as well, but it takes a lot of work, I'm afraid. And then, of course, those tools do not accept explicit imagery, which is a bummer when you create comics like mine."
What tool have you used for this comic?
"I have experimented with a tool called I allows me to define one character from one picture as the main character, which means that all pictures in that session will contain that character. But I can use the prompt to change the character's traits, like body shape, hair color, clothes, the setting etc."
What has been the main challenge?
"It is not always easy to get get consistent results as regards clothing. It is actually hard to get it to produce images where the girl wears the exact same clothes. And it more often insist on showing breasts or the genitalia, even if I ask it to make her fully clothed, as in city street scenes. The AI photo you have included above has actually been through Photoshop, as I had to find a way to give her a decent top."
So what's next?
"I am working on a larger story called The Temple of Cybele where some of the scenes will have AI generated images. I am also looking for a tool that lets me morph a male body into a female one. I would love to be able to present a 'real" transformation."