Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Charity Crawford from Exotic4k
The word is at the end of its ropes. Climate change has made large parts of the Earth uninhabitable and people put their trust in Exodus, a huge multinational company that prepares for the colonization of space. Out there, on the new planets, there is hope.

To help people adapt to hostile environments, the company has developed a technology that allows for radical body modifications.

In a research lab somewhere someone comes up with a brilliant idea: Why not use this technology to get rid of the bad seeds of the word -- the convicts, the dissidents -- and turn them something useful, someone who can help the brave colonizers thrive on foreign soil?

Say hello to the Joybringers, ex-men, trained to serve with both pride and pleasure.

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1 comment:

  1. The grass must be better on the other side of the fence!


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